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Ich Bin Ein Börsenstar

​The 3rd Quarter ended September 30, 2016, and our median MOAR account, invested in the world's cheapest equity markets (our "Dogs of the World"), platinum, and U.S. Treasuries, is +18.07% net of fees, compared to 7.84% for the S&P 500, 7.21% for the DJIA, and 6.06% for the Morgan Stanley World Index.

Meanwhile, our trusty "Dogs of the Dow" strategy has been in the news due to its strong outperformance of the markets. The 10 Dog strategy is +18.80% and our Small Dogs are up 17.05% before fees (also through Q3).

Lastly, I am honored to be included among an esteemed group profiled in the recently published German investing book entitled "Börsenstars und ihre Erfolgsrezepte: Methoden für Kleinanleger, die Großen zu kopieren" or "Stock Market Stars and Their Recipes for Success: Methods for Small Investors to Copy the Big Ones."

If you are so inclined, you may purchase your very own copy here.

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